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How to Write a Blog Post that Ranks in 2021

  You're writing all these blog posts, but for some reason, you're not getting any rankings, and search traffic from Google. And you know what?  Today, I'm gonna share why that is and how to fix that .  Hey everyone,  I'm Deepak Pokharel. And today I'm gonna explain the number one reason your blog doesn't rank. Before we get started, make sure you follow me on Pinterest on this blogpost, So that way when I post a new blog like this you'll get notified on Pinterest. Now, quick question for you. How many blog posts are you writing a week? Is it one? Is it zero? Is it 10? List the number below in the comment section, I'm curious.  The real reason I'm asking that question is that blogging is no longer a quantity game.  When I started blogging there were less than 30 or 40 million blogs. It was a smaller number. Now there are over a billion blogs.  Just think about that. A billion blogs on the web. That's roughly one blog for every seven people.  Do y

content writing for beginners | How to write content?

 Content writing

step by step guide;

Hi, my name is Deepak Pokharel and I welcome you to Digiwebdev which is the foremost Digital Marketing and web development Institute where you will learn a lot of things in a unique manner about how to run a blog how to operate websites, how to develop websites, how to do programming, how to become a software developer and various other things in coming days.

 But today I am going to talk to you about something very very very important and that is content writing.

Why content writing is very important?

 Content writing is very important because the content is the undoubted king of the blog or of any website. People are going to come to your blog or website only to read content and if the content is not exciting, You may have the best-looking website in the world but nobody is going to read it know what is going to stay there.

 Even Amazon for that matter uses precise and excellent content which entices you to buy the stuff. Similarly, if you want to make money from your blog or even to promote a product on your website or a service on your website you need excellent content.

What is Content?

 Now let us understand what is content basically, content is information, it's pure information and nothing else.

 Let me explain to you what is exactly content?

 When your brain processes any information, that is content, of course! because they can simulate content when you write it. But let me start by telling you how the content for each digit of our five senses sound, sight, smell, taste, and touch. These are the five primary senses of a human being that are constantly feeding content to our brain.

Our brain processes information in a fraction of seconds it generates feelings which further generates emotions and which comes meaning It has action, which is exactly the purpose of the content.

 So, when you are writing your content, remember that they have to preserve thoughts that lead to emotions and finally carbonate as action. Because unless the content is actionable it is most likely going to be of no use to anybody.

How to write Content? :

So, let us see how do you write content and how do you get information to write content. You are going to select a proper way to make content. If you see Google Trends or if you see the search for any words on Google you are going to come up with various topics. 

Now if there is a lot of searches for that topic, you can use that as a topic provided. It is something you can write about once, you know the topic once you have selected the topic.

 There is various software available on the internet on how to find the subject, the keywords, and other information that you need to blend into the content. 

How do you get this the first source of information for any Content writer? Is his or her own general knowledge and there's nothing that can beat. That because when you held in the knowledge, Nobody can take you for a ride you know whether the person is telling the truth.

 All the lies in a newspaper or any other source are lying or telling you the truth in the second-best source of information for your content. 

I have personal experiences because your personal experiences are unique and what you have felt only you can describe not anybody else on this planet. So once you know that these are the two main sources of content or information for your content.

Do Research for your content :

Now we move further what is the next step. The next step is to do research for your content if you do not have that with general knowledge or personal expertise in that person's particular field. So we look at various websites where you can write content or where you can rather get material to write the content first one is websites.

There are lots of websites from various universities, research institutes, schools, government banks, non-banking, financial corporations, large and small companies, trade unions, associations, sports, and clubs. These are excellent sources of content or other content for your research.

Now, when you read these websites you will find that they are giving you accurate information or at least near accurate information. Why I use the word directly because information changes over a period of time.

   So to make sure that it is the latest information that has been provided. The second thing is you can use encyclopedias that may be lying at your home or are available online history that calm national geographic. These are some of the best encyclopedias you can refer to have enough information about your content.

 The third thing that you need to do is watch TV channels because they are going to keep you updated with the latest news which could be relevant to your content and of course newspapers.

 One more thing, where you can find a lot of good stuff for your content is Wikipedia. But not all that good - there are two reasons why I don't support using Wikipedia, as a primary source of research for your content.

 Firstly the Wikipedia can be edited by anybody and there are Wikipedians who would verify the information that goes on Wikipedia. But now let us look at one scenario lets, consider the 1971 India-Pakistan war.

 If an Indian is writing it, he is going to write it from the Indian perspective giving reference sources that are from India, and possibly the article could be favoring India. 

If a Pakistani is writing the article he would use reference sources that are favorable to his country and therefore the opinion or the information contained there else would be more from a Pakistani perspective.

 Whereas the real perspective is missing yes the second reason how close Wikipedia is often a lot of information can be outdated I don't know to oppose a Wikipedia for that matter. But then Wikipedia is an excellent resource only as far as you can find reference links to do research. If you look at Wikipedia closely you'll find a lot of reference links which are given at the bottom and those can be excellent sources for your research.

Brief information on how to write content? :

Now let's go on briefly to how to write content across the world. There are two main systems that are used to write content one is the inverted pyramid which is used by newspapers. An inverted pyramid is like an ice cream cone that means all the information goes on top and all the supporting information moves down as it tapers down to the end now. 

If you're writing content that is said about 300 to 500 words the inverted pyramid is excellent but if you're going to write content that is longer then I would recommend you use exactly the opposite pyramid technique.

 Why the pyramid technique, I call it also Arrowhead technique or the spirit technique what is the purpose of our spearhead or an arrowhead pierces. your body similarly to the arrowhead and spearhead. Our pyramid technique pierces your thoughts and your brains. let us say, ask you a question 'are you going to die tomorrow', 'are you going to die now, 'are you afraid of your death, 'what happens to your family after your death.

 I have got your attention yes, but what am I catching your attention for and I am catching your attention because in the article below I am going to be.

 We talk about our life insurance policies and other schemes but to get you to read those, I have scared you through my introduction. And what you read the following Paris now in the pyramid structure you start by asking a question creating an interest generating interest a fear of emotion or any other emotion and as you go you start providing relevant details bit by bit by bit by bit till. 

 you reach the bottom that is the heaviest of all information and you end it with a call to action that if we want to buy XYZ or if you want to do ABC this is where you go. 

 This is what you do these are the pieces you are going to pay well this is what it is going to cost you or how to date a particular action that comes at the bottom now. The pyramid technique is the best one that is used by bloggers around the world.  Because there is a gold limit world there's no limit about how many words you could use and when you do this technique.

 When you use this technique you will find it smart and very simple to write in an article because you're not going to be fumbling anywhere. They're going to be a lot of information that will just keep flowing automatically yes at the same time to ensure that the flow of your information is seamless. 

How would you maintain that through the use of transition words and phrases?

what are transition words and phrases I will be teaching you in my future tutorials? But till then try and understand what are the two techniques the inverted pyramid and the pyramid and then there is time content.

What is time Content? :

 There is timeless content now what is time content. Time content is tomorrow for example; Amazon is going to in the sale, and they're going to sell your favorite smartphone at a 50% discount or even more but it is available only for a limited period, and you'd like to let people know about it that this time content. But after that sale is over your content has expired it is no longer relevant so, you can take off the content.

What is timeless Content? :

 Timeless content is something that's ever going people can come to it anytime and continue to read it and enjoy it. for example; if I write about the history of Nepal it is going to be timeless now blogs are somewhere between time and time. This because as you know technology keeps evolving the world they're on the streets evolving so what we are going to write about in the blog is also going to change over a period of time.

 Hence you need to keep tabs on the latest developments that are appearing in the field about which you have written and upgrade your content frequently. So that, it is updated and people have no hesitation in taking action because if you're going to be suspended they may think is relevant today and that's not something which we are in favor of.

And one more thing which you need to know when you're writing content is catching the reader's interest is extremely important. Because if he does not win content he is going to leave your website he is going to leave your content and go to another website.

 And if you're a blogger that can true very bad for your blog because your content is going to bounce whois going to have a high bounce rate and Google is going to push you down and down and down on the rankings eventually you'll reach a place where Google doesn't try to content anymore.

Best ways of Content writing:

 Now let me tell you one of the best ways to write content and that is such personal experiences and interviews with people who have had different experiences.  When you go and interview these people they are going to tell about their experiences whether it's good or whether it is bad and people around the world are going to identify themselves with it.

 When people identify themselves they're going to talk to other people oh! look at this person here that is such a nice experience or such a panic scream used to read about it and that's how your content becomes popular or becomes while there are many other things which can make your content very very very popular.

 And what is that if you're writing about a topic which is something which is very close to peoples heart you're going to find an excellent number of followers every day. for example; writing cinema reviews is something which people love to read.

 so you are writing about food that something people have to read you are writing about education everybody needs education for the children or for myself for anybody so these are some of the basics of content that you need to know. 

Of course, we will be teaching you more and more of our content writing the tricks and tricks that are involved in it. As we go along we intend to make you an excellent content writer alongside an excellent digital marketer.

 Once again, My name is Deepak Pokharel and on behalf of Digiwebdev24 foremost digital marketing training, Web development training, game development training academy. I welcome you to our website and in the coming days, we will provide you different pieces of training on digital marketing, web and game development, and more online training courses if you get your friends to our website.

If you are reading up here and take action, I'm sure, that you would definitely become a successful blogger. To become successful in your life you should be consistent and you should have patience.

To Become successful you should wait for a long period of time, you can't become successful overnight. And I want to say that never give up and try more, do smart work and work hard. And after some months or years, you would live with your dream life.


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