How to grow online business:
Full guide ;
When I first started my online business I had this crazy notion that I can start a business for free without ever investing in myself.
Without ever even thinking about spending one dime and I think honestly when I think back to that that is just like crazy it's kind of ludicrous to think that you could never really invest in yourself and then build this a massive business that's really going to pay you.
You know large amounts of money you know an income and so that's one of the crazy things that people tend to do is that they think that they can build a huge business and make a lot of money without ever investing in themselves.
And I think one of the reasons why they think that is because they see maybe programs or they attend seminars and they sell they on this dream of you know. Being able to start a business for free and never really putting any investment in yourself and so what I want to do is I just want to talk about for a second how important it is to spend money in order to make money in your business.
Now I know A lot of you that are watching this video are probably new to having an online business or maybe you're just even thinking about starting an online business.
And you're saying to yourself like wait for a minute I don't have a lot of money to invest in my business I'm just starting off you know I want to be able to start off in my business not really spending any money at all and I totally agree with that.
Because that's basically where I was in my business when I first started I didn't want to spend any money at all. You know I started off with all the free tools that I could come across that's what I started with and that's what I began to use and that's totally fine.
Think Big;
I want you to think long-term and think bigger if you want your business to grow. So, if you want your business to grow you have to think about the things that you need to invest in.
For example one of the things I invest in for myself is personal development I mean starting a business and even growing a business just being an entrepreneur is very difficult and so I think that you should have some type of personal development.
Something that can help you know encourages you to stay in the game you know things that can help develop certain parts or aspects of your life. So that you can grow into a better person than you can grow your business the way you want to grow.
Your business and so personal development are very important to me I invest in seminars I read books. I'm always listening to audios things that can motivate me and teach me how to you know just to be a better person overall.
Invest in your Business;
So I invest in things like that another thing that I invest in is to invest in marketing tools for my business now I didn't do this in the very beginning but now in my business I do. I invest in marketing tools for my business.
So, for example, if I had a YouTube channel and so one of the things that I had to start investing in equipment for my YouTube videos.
When I first started doing blogging I just started off with the laptop and start writing creative content and that worked well for me but as I started thinking about what I can do for my business branding for my business and really taking my contents to this point of having them look professional.
Then I wanted more things for my business so I still work a job so one of the things that I would do is every time I got paid. I would always purchase one thing for my business so I wanted to have better creative content.
So I started buying additional content-generating tools for my business. You know when I started to get other things for my business I have purchased better editing tools for my content so I got a different editing program so I started investing in myself little by little.
To grow my business and to make sure that my business looked the way that I wanted to look especially for my contents. So now that I've moved more into advancing my business.
And for building a blog I have blogging tools and things like that now I know you're probably thinking like okay now you're doing all of these different things to invest in your business but also make money in my business.
So it takes some time to get to that point but I just want you to think long term about yourself. know investing in yourself and investing in your business and to know that it does take spending some money to make some money and it's not such a bad idea it's not a bad thing to do especially if you're growing your business.
And you're looking for long-term and so if you're at a point in your business where you're making money then you can turn around and take that money and invest it back in your business if not then you may have to spend some money upfront in order to reap that you know reward on the back end.
So those are the things that you should be thinking about. you can think about investing in yourself and investing in your business and that's what really really will help your business to grow.
People will notice that your business is of course looking better and then as you grow your business and start making more money then you can be able to invest even more in your business.
To build a business takes money;
But I just want to throw it out there how important it is to you know know that you cannot build a viable business totally for free it always takes some input of you putting something into your business and it's usually going to eventually boil down to money.
I mean yeah you can put a lot of time into your business but at some point in time, you're gonna have to spend some money on your business.
And so that's what I wanted to talk to you about how important it is that you have to spend a little bit of money in order for you to make a little bit of money.
So guys if you are starting a business and online business for that then think long term you know think about where your business could be long-term.
Sorry guys I hope you got a little value out of this blog today if so, follow me on Pinterest, and if I post and blog article on a different topic you will get notified.
If you like what you learned then you must implement it in your real-life then you would get results little by little.
And also I'm always creating content just like this on the blog for people who are looking to start a business and make passive income from home and so if that's you then make sure that you follow me on Pinterest and come back to my portfolio and check out some contents like this.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
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