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How to Write a Blog Post that Ranks in 2021

  You're writing all these blog posts, but for some reason, you're not getting any rankings, and search traffic from Google. And you know what?  Today, I'm gonna share why that is and how to fix that .  Hey everyone,  I'm Deepak Pokharel. And today I'm gonna explain the number one reason your blog doesn't rank. Before we get started, make sure you follow me on Pinterest on this blogpost, So that way when I post a new blog like this you'll get notified on Pinterest. Now, quick question for you. How many blog posts are you writing a week? Is it one? Is it zero? Is it 10? List the number below in the comment section, I'm curious.  The real reason I'm asking that question is that blogging is no longer a quantity game.  When I started blogging there were less than 30 or 40 million blogs. It was a smaller number. Now there are over a billion blogs.  Just think about that. A billion blogs on the web. That's roughly one blog for every seven people.  Do y

Is blogging worth it

 Is blogging worth it?

Complete guide;

There are over 1.94 billion websites on the internet. There are over a billion blogs on the internet. That's roughly one blog for every seven people in this world. There are over four million blog posts that are being published each and every single day.

Hi, everyone, I'm Deepak Pokharel. And today, I'm going to answer the question of is blogging still worth it? Before we get started, make sure you followed me on Pinterest

Now, the short answer to this question is no.

The long answer to the question is yes.

Now, don't just close this blog and stop blogging if you have a blog. In the traditional sense, blogging is not worth it, of just creating text-based content, cranking out a ton, and expecting it to do wonders for you.

Here's what you need to do if you want to still thrive in the blogging world today and in the future.

Tip no1: Don't just focus on text-based content; 

Traditionally, blogs were just text-based content and that's what people would publish. And they would just say, here's my website, here's a blog post, and that's it. And that's great, but you know what? Now, text-based content isn't everything.

We all use something called a mobile phone📱. This mobile phone, people are using to watch videos, listen to podcasts. So when you're blogging, don't just blog text-based content. Create video-based content, Create audio-based content and Publish that on your blog. 

Also, publish it on other channels as well. And that's the Second Tip;  that I wanted to get into. Blogging is no longer about just putting content on your site. That content should sit everywhere.

You may be wondering, Deepak, but Google penalizes for duplicate content. No, that's a myth. Google does not penalize for duplicate content. They've stated it publicly, so you don't have to worry about that. 

So take that blog text-based content that you have, also repost it on Facebook. Also, repost it on LinkedIn Right? You want to put it wherever you can. Heck, I would even create a account, and repost it on Medium as well. 

Take your videos, put it on YouTube, put it on LinkedIn, put it on Facebook, put it on Instagram TV. Have you noticed wherever you're reading this blog, go to any other social network, look me up, you'll see the same video or blog. 

Why? Because I post the same content everywhere. Some people use YouTube, some people use Facebook. People are spread on all these social platforms. I want to capture them everywhere. 

Tip no 3: you need to know is blogging on how it used to be;

 In which you just create text-based content, you rank, you drive that traffic to a product or service, collect leads, you do well. 

Blogging doesn't work that way anymore. Blogging is very expensive. And here's what I mean. Let's say you get these rankings. Then Google comes around, they release a Google update. Have you noticed that the people that get hit the most with these updates and don't rank as high are the sites that aren't updating their content? 

Look at Wikipedia. Whatever you search for, I bet you they're probably on page one. Why, because Wikipedia is constantly updating that same article over and over again. Yes, maybe they're not doing it, but the community is. 

The same will go with your website. If you update your content over and over again, keep it fresh, up to date with the latest and greatest, you're going to do better. 

But if you don't, you'll notice that your rankings will continually slip over time. Maybe not your main page or the parent pages, but your pages that are going after long-tail phrases, those are the ones that'll continually slip if you're not updating your content on a regular basis. 

To give you an idea, currently, I have three people employed full time, all they do is update my old text-based content. If you do all of that, you'll also find that blogging still doesn't produce as big of an ROI as it did four, five, six years ago. 

And why is this? It's because no matter where people are and what they're using, it's harder to convert them, especially on these mobile devices. 

Harder to convert them off of YouTube than it is from your own domain. Harder to convert them from Facebook than your own domain, because Facebook wants to keep people on there so they make more ad revenue. 

So this is the last tip, and this will end up making blogging worth it for you to continually do. You got to continually collect emails and push subscribers. So you can use tools like or Hello Bar or Mailchimp.Use whatever you want. If you continually get these people to come back to your site, get them to subscribe. That'll give you a shot at selling those people over time.

If you don't sell them over time, it won't do as well for you. If you expect people to just watch a YouTube video or a Facebook video and buy from you right away, it's not going to happen. 

That's why it's very important to build that audience through email, push when they come to your site, and get them to keep continually come back, so that way you can convert them over time. 

The E-mail list is your biggest asset?

If you make those changes and you adapt, blogging is still worth it. If you don't and you just want to focus on writing text-based content, never update it, write me-too content, and the same stuff that everyone else is going to write on, you're not going to do that well. 

But when you change to that fresh new perspective, that's when you'll notice you're still going to get an ROI from blogging. 

If you need help with your content marketing, generating a better ROI, and getting more traffic, check out my ad agency, Neil Patel Digital. 

And if you have any questions, leave a comment below. If you enjoy this blog, share it, with your friends, and tell other people about it, and follow me on Pinterest to get notified with new blogs regarding Digital marketing, web development, and many more technology-related things. Thank you very much.


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